Mice Exterminator Milton


mouse exterminator milton


Guaranteed Service


Mice Exterminator Milton. If contractual pests return following service and within the guarantee and warranty period we will return at no additional cost. We work hard on keeping our customers mouse-free. We guarantee every service and provide extensive warranties to make sure mice are gone and our customers are happy. Call The Exterminators Inc. for mice exterminator Milton service.

pest control milton satisfaction guarantee

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Mice Exterminator Milton solutions by licensed AND INSURED exterminators.

If you encounter mice on your property, you can be sure you have an infestation, as these rodents are always in hiding and are usually seen in ones and twos. Mice infest properties where they can find food and water. They can even survive on other material like fabrics and packaging materials. It gets difficult to exterminate mice from your home or commercial property as these pests invade in large numbers and always live in inaccessible areas in your home.

Mice usually come out during the nighttime in search of food. This is why it is not easy to catch them. The traditional mousetrap is useful only when you need to catch a few mice. But if you have an infestation, you need a lot more than just a mouse trap.

It is best to call professionals to help you with the extermination. We at Mice Control Milton guarantee you a safe and reliable eradication of mice from your property. Call us at 647-496-5691 and book an appointment today! 

mouse entry point mitlon

Mice Infestations

Mice are often seen as a menace as soon as it enters a home. These rodents do not only cause structural damage, but are detrimental to the health of every occupant in the property as well. The first step to know whether you have an infestation or not is to be able to recognize the signs that are associated with it. Mice are rarely seen, this is due to the fact that they are exceptionally good at staying under the radar. They know how to move swiftly from place to place undetected. The attic, the storeroom, and under your floorboards are all places where you might catch these mice in the act. Your walls might harbor hundreds of mice without you even finding out.

Other than hearing audible noise like rustling and pitter-patter, mice droppings are another sure way to confirm a mice infestation. As you move around the house for closer inspection, you will notice items being nibbled on like carton boxes, furniture, fabric, and other material that is easy to nibble. When planning for a complete eradication, you need to find out where these mice hide, where their entry-points as well as their exit-points are in order to hit them with max force. To avoid a second infestation from ever happening, you need to seal these points off so that mice cannot start a second uprise. Increase in mouse sightings has worried many Canadians for years. So much so that it is getting media attention. Areas that have been the worst hit by this catastrophe are the Greater Toronto Area, East-Vancouver, and Atlantic Canada. Reports of a mansion in Vancouver was said to be overwhelmed by mice that turned into a true mouse den. Not much long after,  The Greater Toronto Area becomes the hot-spot for mouse activity. Weather seems to be a deciding factor here that sees an increase in uninvited guests.


mouse inspection milton


mouse extermination milton


mouse exclusion milton


To get to the root of the problem, the technicians at Mice Exterminator Milton do not just lay traps and bait-stations, but go beyond that. The first step in combatting the mouse infestation involves combing the area thoroughly for entry-points. These entry-points can consist of holes, crevices, cracks, structural gaps, and vents. After we found all the areas that are prone to breach, we then report our findings to the property owners with photographic evidence for transparency and understanding throughout the whole process.


After the inspection, we will discuss our next step in the extermination process. Depending on the situation and need of the treatment, we will strategically place tamper-proof bait stations  and rodenticide in and around the property to yield maximum results. These tamper-proof bait stations cannot be meddled with by kids and pets. A special key is needed that only the technician has access to. 


Once mouse activity has decreased and ceased, our technicians will come back for a second visit. We confirm that mice are no longer present. Once mice are taken care of, we then move on to the exclusion phase in our process. We seal up entry-points based on our earlier findings with strong galvanized steel mesh so that a future infestation is out of the question.

Call us today and our licensed and trained professionals will soon be at your doorstep with a guaranteed solution.


Types of Mice

house mouse milton

House Mouse

The House Mouse (Mus Musculus) is without doubt the most well-known mouse species there is. The mouse is often seen in homes and other domestic residences. It is characterized by grey fur, big ears, scaly tail, and a pointy snout. 

field mouse

Field Mouse

Since field mice usually stay outdoors, you will not not see it indoors as much. Field Mice though, are a threat to farmers and other essential services that deal with crops. These mice have the tendency to stay in places where a abundance of vegetables, fruits, insects, and tree seeds can be found. Field Mice van be recognized by their brown fur and white belly. 

deer mouse

Deer Mouse

The Deer mice can be recognized by it’s brown fur, white legs, white underbelly, and hairy tail. These mice are motorious for being a carrier of Hantavirus that can cause Hanta Pulminory Syndrome which can be transferred by indirect exposure. They often find themselves in homes to escape the harsh Canadian winters.

The Danger of Mice Infestation

mouse infestation milton

Do you think you and/or your home is in danger of mice infestation? Well, it might not have become obvious yet. But wait to consider the following information. Mice just like rats invade the home and it might not seem a big issue until someone falls ill. Then you visit the doctor to get the news; it is a mouse-induced problem only then do we take this tiny little pest seriously.

Mice live in the home without paying rent. Next, they begin to constitute a nuisance by contaminating your food plus destroying your properties. Now to worsen the issue; mice in the home cause residents to develop such illnesses as gastrointestinal diseases and more. Research by Columbia University on 416 mice shows they weaken the immunity to combat other illnesses. Mice release bacteria with antibiotic-resistance bacteria.


Health Hazards

rodent extermination Milton

Though mentioned earlier, mice in the home make residence prone to health issues. The most critical of the health challenges include the Hantavirus spread through the feces, urine, and saliva of the mice. Now, you get an illegal occupant in the mice who pays you by inflicting ailments on the residents. Hantavirus can cause Sin Nombre virus experienced by humans and could be life-threatening if not managed properly. Other symptoms of Hantavirus include fever, headaches, muscle pain, chills and when it gets severe, breathing difficulty.

The terrible thing about the Hantavirus is, one can get infected either by physical contact with mice droppings, food contamination or airborne. HPS from mice can pollute the air, producing dust when dispersed. Or if there is a high concentration of mice droppings and urine it could create a health risk. Immediately the air is contaminated the residence could inhale the virus.

There have been three recent cases of HPS (Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome) in eastern Canada. Three military personnel in Quebec, Alberta got infected after exposure to mice droppings to contract HPS. Also, over 70 other cases recorded in Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, etc. with a 40% fatality rate.

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada from 1989 up to 2015, there have been at least 105 recorded cases of HPS. Twenty of those cases HPS have resulted in death for residents.

Other illnesses associated

Bubonic Plague

Bubonic or Black Death is a contagious and deadly disease. Bubonic plague in the middle age killed one-third of Europe’s population to show how deadly. Victims can contact become infected after a bite by mice. Symptoms include swollen and painful lymph nodes, headaches, fever.


Salmonellosis refers to a strain of food poisoning released through rodent feces after consuming contaminated food. Symptoms include fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc. There are reportedly at least 10,000 cases of Salmonellosis in Canada annually. Persons with weak immune systems like the elderly and infants are most affected by the virus. Ontario seems to have a higher case, representing 45% of the total population of sufferers.

The Exterminators Pest Control Milton

Signs of Mice Infestation in the Home

  • Mouse Droppings
  • Noise of scratching
  • Scampering noise
  • Scratch marks
  • Footprints or running tracks
  • Gnawed marks and holes
  • Burrow systems
  • Oduor of urine
  • Damaged insulators, plastic or wood
  • Rodent nests

Mice Exterminator Milton

At Pest Control Milton we have dedicated individuals that strive to make your property rodent-free with the help of time-tested methods that have proved to work from families and business. Our team is made up of seasoned professionals who all have an extensive track record of solving and preventing infestations in the many years they have been active. The experts that are part of our team are highly-qualified licensed technicians that seek to eradicate rodent presence throughout the property down to the very last one. The impeccable team at Pest Control Milton has an wide array of tools and specialized formulations at their disposal that goes unmatched with whatever you can get a local hardware store. The technicians have gone rigorous training and have solved the most demanding cases that you can find in Milton. As we are based in Milton we as your neighbors have a social responsibility. This is why all of our formulations are environmental-friendly and can be used safely around others. We choose our formulations carefully so we can be assured that we are able to provide the highest level of service without any compromise. We are ready 356 days a year, 7 days a week to serve you.  At Pest Control Milton we send pests packing.

We provide the best and most reliable extermination services. Call us at 647-496-5691 and we will inspect the extent of infestation on your property, obstruct all the access points used by mice, and provide you with a guaranteed extermination treatment.