Cockroach Control Milton

Professional and Guaranteed
Cockroach Exterminations BY THE EXTERMINATORS INC.

cockroach exterminator Milton


Guaranteed Service


Cockroach Control Milton. If contractual pests return following service and within the guarantee and warranty period we will return at no additional cost. We work hard on keeping our customers cockroach free. We guarantee every service and provide extensive warranties to make sure cockroaches are gone and our customers are happy. Call The Exterminators Inc. for Cockroach Control Milton services.

pest control milton satisfaction guarantee


Cockroach control milton by licensed and insured exterminators.

Cockroach infestations are a common problem in almost every home. It takes just a few cockroaches and a few days to start up a full-fledged infestation as these pests multiply at great speed. Cockroaches are also known to survive various extermination treatments, so getting rid of them for good, may pose as a challenge.

We at Pest Control Milton understand the science behind these pests and are equipped with the most powerful and effective treatment methods to eradicate every cockroach down to the last one, from your property. Our services are available 7 days a week, so you can call us at 647-496-5691 and book an inspection appointment today. Our licensed exterminator will investigate the level of roach infestation before providing you with a customized treatment to suit your requirements. We would advise you contact us as soon as you notice the presence of cockroaches on your property, as any delay would only cause the infestation to spread further.

cockroach infestation milton

What You Need To Know About Cockroaches Infestations

Cockroaches feed on almost anything. They can survive on food, leftovers, paper and other packaging material, and even animal droppings. So, it is very easy for them to continue to exist in almost any place. Cockroaches prefer to reside and breed in dark and humid places. They will hide behind walls, under kitchen sinks and in storerooms or attics. This makes it almost impossible to catch them and get rid of them. We say almost because at Cockroach Control Milton we believe otherwise. Our powerful and efficient treatments are no match for these pesky pests.

Understanding the Biology of Cockroaches

Cockroaches are nocturnal in nature and are most active during the night. You may spot a couple of them during the day, but these pests carry out most of their activities, like feeding, breeding and laying eggs, at night. Their body structure makes it very convenient for them to squeeze through tiny cracks in the walls and flooring. So they can escape to the most inaccessible hide-outs where you may not be able to reach. Female cockroaches can lay many eggs in a year, so it doesn’t take too long for a few cockroaches to start up a whole infestation.

Call us today and our licensed and trained professionals will soon be at your doorstep with a guaranteed solution.


Types of Cockroaches

Brown-Banded Cockroach

brown banded cockroach control milton


oriental cockroach control milton


german cockroach control milton

Across the North-American continent, cockroaches have seemed to dominate the scene in households in both the U.S. and Canada. These are the Brown-Banded Cockroach, the German Cockroach, the Oriental Cockroach, and the American Cockroach.

German Cockroaches

German Cockroaches mostly feed on what is readily available from kitchens. They can be found in damp places such as the bathroom and the kitchen. These cockroaches can also be found in dishwashers where they slip through cracks. 

Brown-banded Cockroaches

Brown-banded Cockroaches are known to be on the lookout for starchy food. These cockroaches can be found in all parts of the house or an office where they are often found to eat the glue on wallpaper. 

Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental Cockroaches prefer to eat organic material. It is for this reason that these cockroaches are often found to be roaming in sewers, drains, and other locations where organic materials can be found in abundance. They are also found under mulch and other decaying material. 

American Cockroaches

American Cockroaches are one of the biggest species among their peers that roam residential properties, commercial establishments, and even hospitals. They feed on a wide range of food from small insects to food it can find in the kitchen and the bathroom. Because of their size, these cockroaches are often feared. 

The behavior of the cockroaches varies greatly from species to species and goes together with their preference in climate and parts of the property to stay in. Every cockroach species requires a tailored strategic plan to eliminate them as effectively as possible. In some instances, two different species of cockroaches can be found under one roof. For this, an adapted treatment strategy is needed, that only professionals are able to carry out.


What Kind of Diseases Can you Get from Cockroaches?

When you think of cockroaches the first thing that should ordinarily come to the mind is dirt, filthiness, and poor hygiene. Cockroaches are not only man’s enemy but offer no real benefit to your home. Hence, it is necessary to know what kind of diseases you can get from cockroaches. Several factors create a safe-haven for roaches to lurk around your kitchen, rooms, basement, offices, hotel rooms, etc. And their presence can only have negative health implication on all residence within your facility. 

These age-long bugs are known to convey the well-known ailments and diseases plaguing humanity. And this article takes a look at some ailments responsible for cockroach infestation in your home.

List of the Type of Diseases Cockroaches Spread

Cockroaches, according to the World Health Organization are not the direct causes of most diseases. But they serve as sources or channels for the propagation of the following diseases:

Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is an infectious ailment caused by the activities of bacteria in the body known as the ‘Salmonella Typhi bacterium’. In their search for food cockroaches sometimes feed of feces containing the bacterium strain. They then drop the bacteria in plates, objects and other surfaces that can eventually contaminate humans.

The Center for Disease Control identified typhoid fever as a prevalent health issue in areas with poor access to clean water and adequate sanitation. Though reference was made in the study to developing countries but other nations need to take a queue. Particularly, with the rise in cockroach infestation in Edmonton, Alberta, it should call for more concern on health grounds.

Symptoms of Typhoid Fever

  • Cold and feverish feelings
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Stomach pain
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Cough
  • Weakness

Please in the case of the above symptom, it is best to see a professional physician and avoid self-medication.


Salmonellosis is a bacterial infection with symptoms like food poisoning experienced by humans. Cockroaches usually carry the strain of Salmonellosis for up to one month after consuming contaminated food. And then deposit these bacterial when the release feces or vomit.

There has been a recent case of Salmonellosis Enteritidis ailment in Canada with at least 40 persons involved between 2018 and March 2019. Ten cases each in Alberta, Ontario, and Manitoba while there have been two such cases in Quebec and 8 in Saskatchewan.

Symptoms of Salmonellosis

  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Weakens immunity
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea.

It takes about 6 to 72 hours for the Salmonellosis symptoms to begin to appear and will run its course for about 4 to 7 days. The remedy involves regular consumption of fluid or water to keep hydrated. But if the symptom continues, it’s best to consult your doctor for medical assistance. 


Leprosy is a disease that comes from the bacterial ‘Bacillus Mycobacterium Leprae’ and cockroaches are known to be carriers of this disease. Cockroaches usually spread leprosy through its feces. Once exposed to leprosy it takes close to five years to bud and close to 20 years to become visible. 

Symptoms of Leprosy

Leprosy at the full-blown stage can result in disfigurement of parts of the body, skin, nerves, eyes, etc. 

Consult a qualified medical practitioner for treatment. However, likely treatment includes multidrug therapy (MDT).


The World Health Organization identifies not less than 1.4 million people suffer from cholera. Cholera records an annual death rate of 28,000 to 142,000. Cholera is a case of severe bacterial infection (diarrheal) traceable to the Vibrio cholera bacterium. It is most prevalent in areas with poor environmental conditions. Once the victim ingests bacterium contaminated foods or drinks they come down with will cholera. Cockroaches contaminate foods, surfaces through the vomit and feces. 

Symptom of Cholera

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting fluid
  • An acute case of stooling (watery diarrhea)
  • Dehydration
  • Acute cases can result in shock and death

News of the cholera outbreak in Canada is rare. However, most cases in Canada are associated with a person who made international travels and back. Symptoms can start manifesting 6 hours to 3 days after exposure. Seek professional assistance early to avoid a severe situation.


Listeriosis could be pretty serious. Available data shows 55 deaths, 36 cases of hospitalization and 8 cases of death in 2017. Listeriosis is a bacterial infection linked to bacterium Listeria Monocytogenes. Listeriosis could also affect the gastrointestinal tract. It is gotten through consumption of contaminated foods. And can affect mostly persons with a weak immune system like pregnant women, the aged and newborn babies.

Symptoms of Listeriosis

  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle aches
  • Fever
  • Headaches, confusion
  • Stiff neck
  • Convulsion
  • Loss of balance


Dysentery is a bacterial infection mainly associate with gastroenteritis and leads to a bloody case of diarrhea. There are two strains of dysentery; the amoebic and bacillary dysentery. It is known as the Shigella and Entamoeba bacteria respectively. However, dysentery requires little or no medical attention to treat. The victim only experiences mild symptoms and should recover within a week. Dysentery is usually a result of a dirty environment and consumption of contaminated drinks and foods.

Symptoms of Dysentery

  • Acute stomach cramps
  • Bloody and mucus present diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • High temperature
  • Nausea

Other diseases spread by contact with cockroaches include:

  • Campylobacteriosis is linked to contact with oriental and American cockroaches. Contact occurs through food consumption mostly. It results in fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Campylobacteriosis does not require medical attention.

E. coli infection

Escherichia coli known as E. coli is a bacterial infection that results in food poisoning most times. And it is caused by ingesting contaminated food. Likely symptoms include muscle aches, chills, fever, nausea. Symptoms will leave after 2 to 3 weeks even without treatment. 

The activities of cockroaches can serve as triggers or cause an allergic reaction like asthmatic crisis. It has also been linked to promoting streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus.

Having an understanding of what kind of diseases you can get from cockroaches the good news is it could be averted. Though there is no evidence pointing to the fact that cockroaches infect humans with these diseases directly. But with creepy crawling insect within your domain can have an adverse effect on the health of residents.

Using the World Health Organization’s findings, the improper application or heavy use insecticides, liquid spray and aerosols can cause exposure problems for people. Also, using home remedies, DIYs and just any insecticide in dealing with cockroaches may not have long-lasting results. This is because insecticides and spray are well-formulated for the different pest control measures. But you might be applying the wrong measure for the current situation. Hence, it is always the best option to speak with a pest control company. Or contact a professional humane wildlife removal company to ascertain the level of infestation and best practices in permanently getting rid of cockroaches.

Cockroach Egg exterminator milton


The Exterminators Pest Control Milton

Why Hire Our Professional Cockroach Control Milton Company?

Hiring a professional exterminator is in many ways an investment. It’s a sure way of ensuring that you do not have to deal with pests anymore. When people notice bugs, they do not do anything about it until it is too late. Most likely, they will end up at the local hardware store and buy products recommended by the store clerk who is not in any way licensed and lacks the experience professionals have. Besides, most store-bought products are not even potent enough to resolve anything. What most people will realize sooner or later, is that these over-the-counter repellants, sprays, and traps are nothing but a temporary solution. Soon enough, you will find yourself going in and out of the same store while losing huge sums of money. Know-how and the right formulations play huge roles that determine whether an infestation will be completely gone or not. Exterminators are licensed professionals that have the legal authority to buy truly potent formulations and have access to industry-standard traps, thus being truly effective. Having in-depth knowledge about the behavior and breeding patterns of pests determines where the formulations, bait-stations, and traps need to applied and placed to reach maximum yield so that the infestation can be dealt with once and for all. 

At Pest Control Milton, we understand your plight when it comes to having your property infested by these unwanted pests. Our trained and licensed staff inspects the level of infestation in and around your property and professionally helps you get rid of any level of roach infestation. Call us at 647-496-5691 and speak to our technician to book an appointment. We work 7 days a week and provide affordable, customized and guaranteed extermination solutions.