Ant Control Milton

Professional and Guaranteed
Ant Exterminations By
The Exterminators Inc.

ant control milton


Guaranteed Service


Ant Control Milton. If contractual pests return following service and within the guarantee and warranty period we will return at no additional cost. We work hard on keeping our customers ant free. We guarantee every service and provide extensive warranties to make sure ants are gone and our customers are happy. Call The Exterminators Inc. for Ant Control Milton services.

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Ant control solutions by licensed and insured exterminators.

There are various types of ants that invade homes, offices and gardens and these pests usually infest areas where there is the availability of food. They build their nests as close as possible to food sources so that they can carry the food to their nests with ease. Ants could be rather dangerous to one’s health as their bites could sometimes cause serious problems. Although ants only attack when they sense any kind of danger or threat present in their surroundings, their bites could cause anything from skin reddening to rashes or even a serious swelling and infection in the bitten area.

You need to get rid of these pests at the earliest. It is best to call professionals to exterminate an ant infestation, as they can eradicate these unpredictable pests from your surroundings safely and efficiently.

We at Pest Control Milton offer you affordable and reliable ant extermination and control treatments. Our services are guaranteed. Call 647-496-5691.

Ant Colonies

Ants build nests in close proximity to the place where there is an abundance of food and water. These nests are also called ant colonies. Every ant colony has a queen that dominates and controls the other ants. In order for you to get rid of an ant infestation, you first need to locate their colony. The only way to eradicate the infestation is to disintegrate the colony and safely move the ants out of your property. The queen is responsible for keeping the colony together. She lays hundreds of eggs each day and these larvae are taken care of by the female ants. The male ants or the worker ants are responsible for collecting and providing food for the entire colony. So the ants that you see on your kitchen counter or marching in a single line on your floor are the worker ants.

Call us today and our licensed and trained professionals will soon be at your doorstep with a guaranteed solution.


Ant Information - Ant Control Milton

Ants (Formicidae)are usually small and live in a colony; rarely moving alone. These tiny insects usually come in different colours; red, black, yellow or brown. Smaller adult ants measure about 1/16th to 1/32 inches or 1 millimetre long for ants like thief ants, pharaoh ants, and black ants. Bigger adult ants could measure an approximately ½ inch or 12 millimetres long like the carpenter ants.

Ants body usually have reddish to pale yellow body with a stripe or black shading abdomen both at the rear and top of their body. Ants possess antennae, small eyes, and legs. Some ants have wings others don’t. In the ant community, worker ants do not have wings while the male ants have wings like the queen.

carpenter ants exterminator Milton

Ant Bites

Ant bites can sometimes cause serious harm, as the burning and stinging sensation is unbearable. Ants only bite when they sense danger. However, it is unpredictable as to when an ant may feel threatened. Even the simple presence of a human in close proximity to their nest could seem like a threat and the ants will attack without warning.

There are different types of ants and it is imperative to know which ant bite you have experienced in order to cure the same. Ants may not spread any serious diseases but their bites are bad enough.

Ant Infestation – What To Do About It?

The mere thought of an ant infestation is enough to give one the creepy feeling or Goosebumps all over. But it is also essential to know immediately what to do about ant presence and avoid a spread. No doubt, ants add economic value to the ecosystem. Part of this value includes ridding humanity of some moths and young silverfish. But it still does not remove the fact that ants are a major pest to humanity.

Eliminating ants through the use of insecticides will provide temporal relief immediately. Unfortunately, even after their elimination, they can make a comeback. The release of ant pheromone creates a trail for their return. It is an open invitation to visit the same location for food. And not long after killing the first set of ants, you are almost set for a re-infestation. So to avoid ant invasion or travails, here is what to do about it.


pharaoh ant control Milton

pharaoh ant

pavement ant control Milton

pavement ant

citronella ant control Milton

citronella ant

carpenter ant control Milton

carpenter ant

Types of Ants

Our technicians come across a lot of different ants when we are servicing the Halton region. These ants include the Carpenter Ant, Imported Odorous Ant, Pavement Ant, and the Imported Fire Ant. These ants are proven to be a nuisance across the Greater Toronto Area and are considered a problematic pest for human habitat in general.

A lot of people seem to believe that the notorious Carpenter ants eat the wood. This is not true. In fact, carpenter ants do not eat the wood at all, but they discard the wood with the help of their mandibles. The tiny particles of wood are called ‘frass’. Frass is created when ants use their mandibles to remove tiny pieces of wood and discard them. the frass looks a lot like sawdust and can usually be found beneath an entry-point. When the infestation has swollen to a considerable size, you might see some ants outside their nest foraging for food. These ants can create satellite colonies meaning that they can branch-off from the primary colony to create their very own.

The Imported Odorous Ant owes its name to the fact when it is stepped on, it releases a pungent smell that has a lot in common with something rotten. They are about 1.5mm to 3mm in size. They prefer sweet foods and feed on dead insects as well. They are either black or brown. When they venture outdoors, they nest under various objects that can shelter them such as under logs, debris, stones, and are even known to burrow themselves in the soil!

Red Imported Fire Ants are the species you want to stay far away from, given that their stings are often very painful. These stings keep many curious animals and humans far away. These ants have a threatening aura to them, mainly because they sport a brown to intense red color. They are measured to be about 3mm to 9mm in length. They are an outdoor species, but can also go indoor to forage food. 

 Just like the name implies, Pavement ants usually nest beneath slabs of pavements which is a preference for them. They can be quite tiny and can range up to 3mm in length. Pavement ant colonies can be quite troublesome,  seeing that their colonies usually consist of 3000-4000 ants in a single colony alone. There are several queens in a colony. Their diet consists of insects, seeds, honeydew, and honey. Indoors, it can feed on whatever is available, but they gravitate to food such as nuts, cheeses, and meats.


What Causes Ant Infestation?

Weather conditions can result in ant-infestation. When winter approaches, ants look for warmer places to stay. Once the rains set in, they also try to run away from the flood which destroys their homes.


Ants, like humans, need food to survive. Once they pick the scent of exposed food on the sink, leftovers, and open waste bin they come running to get a helping. Ants, like the Pharaoh ants feed on greasy foods, fat, syrup, sugar, jelly, bread, cake, butter, meat, etc. Besides food ants feed on other items like silk, shoe polish, etc.


Ants love sugar and it is a major cause of ant infestation. And they inform other members (scavengers) of the ant colony of the availability of food.

Other edibles that could create an appeal for ants include uncovered meals, food crumbs, bird food, and cat or dog food. Most times, pet feed is left exposed for long hours so the pets can eat. It also serves as an opportunity for meals for ants.

Nest and openings

In some situations, ant hills or nest close to your house might just be the inciting factor. Ants could build their nest or have an opening close to the foundation of the house. This makes it a lot easier for an ant infestation to occur. Ants like the pharaoh ant, prefer warm or humid environment around 80 degrees Fahrenheit hence your home becomes a major attraction. And that’s why they prefer living inside your home. They can live inside your pantry, cupboard, kitchen, bathrooms, etc. That way they can have access to food, water, and shelter when the rains commence. The carpenter ants, for instance, can invade your property in search of wood to build a nest.

When are Carpenter Ants Most Active Milton

Ants Infestation

As the summer sets in, Canadians should brace up for the humid or hot weather. Eastern and central Canada, particularly Montreal and Toronto should gear up for a longer experience of these humid conditions. As for the west coast relax and enjoy cooler evenings and less humidity.

However, as the humidity increases the ants go on the prowl. Ants need access to the right amount of sunlight and temperature. The right temperature makes mating easier amongst ants, increasing their colonies. And that means more trouble with ant infestation for you.

Although ants in Canada are not known to be so aggressive; but some of them can sting. The species of ant that will normally invade homes in Canada include the little black ant, carpenter ants, the pharaoh ant, thief ants, and the odorous house ant. There are over 100 species of ants present in Canada. Fortunately, only about 25 species are attracted to homes. The carpenter and pharaoh ants are the two most common in Canada.

As for your lawns, pathways, gardens and even indoors watch out for the pavement ants. Carpenter ants destroy anything wood in the home resulting in structural damage. Once you start noticing sawdust check to see if there are carpenter ants lurking around. Pharaoh ants also are attracted to hospital environments. They take delight in eating wound dressings, surgical wounds, blood plasma, IV solutions, etc.


The Exterminators Pest Control Milton

Why Hire a Professional Ant Control Milton?

Total reliance on approved Pest Control Company or Humane Wildlife Removal Company can offer the best solution for dealing with an ant infestation. Licensed pest control experts understand how to identify, target, isolate and eliminate ants from the home.

The journey to eliminating ant infestation is not a one-day process. To prevent continued ant invasion you need to continually maintain a clean environment. In dealing with ants you must abide by the Integrated Pest Management principles for safe and effective results. Having leftovers, spilled water and critters will provide an easy nesting place for ant’s infestation. Maintaining clean surfaces, sealed foods and well-swept environments are some of the best ways to keep ants away. DIYs, natural home remedies and more do not provide a long-lasting solution to the ant problem. But with assistance from a professional pest control company, you can become ant-free again.

We at Ant Control Milton offer you affordable and guaranteed extermination services 7 days a week. Call us at 647-496-5691 and book an appointment today. Our expert staff will inspect the infested area and offer you a customized treatment right away.